Job Opportunities
Seeking Executive Director
The RSO is in search of an Executive Director with proven experience in a leadership role within a similar organization, has strong financial acumen, experience in fundraising, excellent communication and organizational skills and can work collaboratively with the Board of Directors and community stakeholders. Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to Tracy Lutterman, Board President at by March 31, 2025.
Job Summary:
The Executive Director is responsible for managing the Racine Symphony Orchestra. To that end, they are responsible and accountable for all aspects of the organization, and implementing the policies set by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors, coordinated through the President.
Job Duties and Responsibilities
- Leads the development and implementation of a strategic planning process for the RSO that supports the artistic and community engagement of the organization in a fiscally responsible manner.
- Serves as an ex-o0icio Director (non-voting) within the Board to assure the e0icient operation of the Orchestra and the delivery of services to the relevant Racine community stakeholders. However, may occasionally be excused from meetings for the Board to have private discussions.
- Ensures that Board meeting and committee meeting minutes, reports, and materials are complete and up to date.
- Attend Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings; prepares and presents reports for the Board and Executive Committee meetings, and for other committee meetings, as required.
- Ensures e0ective communication with the RSO’s constituencies: ticket buyers, donors, volunteers, other arts organizations, public agencies, government agencies, and the public.
- Leads fundraising activities to include Board Director participation including, but not limited to identification and cultivation of donors, annual fund drive, corporate sponsorships, foundation grants, government agency support, special events, planned giving, and endowment campaigns, all through transparent and written reporting to the Board.
- Leads all grant applications and reports to foundations, corporations, and government agencies.
- Ensures that all contributions and other support are acknowledged as required by law and/or as appropriate and maintains accurate donor records.
- Monitors legislative activity that may a0ect the RSO, including government advocacy activities, and recommends appropriate action to the Board of Directors.
- In partnership with the Artistic Director, executes concert season, within the annual budget parameters approved by the Board.
- Sets musicians wages and scales in accordance with approved fiscal-year budgets, as posted in writing for all the musicians and on the RSO website.
- Ensures that appropriate hiring and termination policies and actions for musicians are followed.
- Schedules rehearsals, concerts, education activities and performances, and recordings and/or broadcasts.
- Negotiates and executes rehearsal and performance venue leases, in accordance with the budget and as approved by the Board.
- Secures production equipment, musical instruments, licenses and permits, as required.
- Attends rehearsals and concerts and/or ensures rehearsals and concerts are properly sta0ed.
- Assists Artistic Director and Board of Directors in developing and implementing the Orchestra’s long-term artistic objectives.
- Negotiates, executes, and fulfills the contracts for guest artists and conductors within the annual budget parameters approved by the Board.
- Presents Season to the Board, for approval, prior to the end of the current season, including but not limited to a proforma for each event (outlining the proposed budget), general artistic direction and venue.
- Develops and implements a marketing plan for the concert season in accordance with brand identity/objectives, including communications planning such as press releases, media relationships, and any use of electronic/social media platforms.
- Oversees ticket sales operations: including ticket pricing and packaging; group, subscription, and single ticket sales; and customer service policies.
- Prepares and submits written monthly operating budget updates, to the Board and participates in setting the budget, with the Board, for the next season.
- Monitors and authorizes expenditures in accordance with approved budget and through monthly reporting.
- Maintains all RSO bank accounts, funds and assets as directed by the Board.
- Monitors and reconciles the monthly financial statements, including balance sheet, P&L, future projections, and any other requested reports.
- Reviews and approves accounts payable and receivable.
- Ensures that grants are spent in accordance with grant guidelines and that all reporting requirements are met.
- Participates in Audits as required.
- Maintains the RSO business o0ice. Purchases equipment, supplies, etc. in accordance with the annual budget and approved procedures.
- Manages communication and correspondence with RSO stakeholders within timelines and in a professional manner.
- Maintains documents according to legal requirements and/or Board policies and procedures, including a written RSO Operations manual.
- Maintains adequate insurance to protect the Orchestra’s assets/property, sharing annual status with the Board.
- Recruits, selects and supervises RSO sta0. Promotes, disciplines and terminates in accordance with legal requirements, Board policy and RSO Operations Manual.
- Ensures all employer responsibilities are met and that RSO complies with all local, state, and federal laws.
- Maintains all payroll records and/or contracts for administrative and artistic sta0, guest artists and conductors, and Orchestra musicians.
- Stays informed about activities and developments in the orchestral field. Advises the Board on matters that may help promote the Orchestra’s strategic objectives.
- Assists the Artistic Director in developing and implementing appropriate educational initiatives.
- Serves as liaison to public and private schools in planning of in-school programs.