Elementary Concerts

A Great Way to Introduce Your Students to Music

3.4.2025 | 9:15 & 10:45 a.m.
Grace Church, 3626 Highway 31, Racine

Annually, each March, hundreds of Racine-area fourth graders attend two Racine Symphony Orchestra concerts that introduce them to the various instruments in the orchestra, classical orchestral music, conducting, and other aspects of this centuries-old musical tradition.

The RSO will be performing Peter and the Wolf Op. 67, by Sergei Prokofiev. Peter and the Wolf is considered a “symphonic tale for children”, and is a programmatic musical composition written in 1936. The narrator tells a Russian folk tale, which the orchestra illustrates by using different instruments to play a “theme” that represents each character in the story.

The narrator for this concert is Mya Thomure, a student from Whitefish Bay High School. Outside of her academic pursuits, Maya participates with the Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra and is an actor with theaters in Milwaukee such as First Stage and Renaissance Theaterworks. Students were truly engaged with Maya as she brought “Peter and the Wolf” to life for all in 2024, and we are excited that she will be joining us once again.

These concerts are open and free to the public. If your school is interested in participating, please contact the office at info@racinesymphony.org for more information.